I recently received links to a couple of remarkable documents from a Palestinian friend who goes back to my time in Cyprus. I described my harrowing last days there in The Lullaby Illusion.
In addition to the linked photos, I have posted below photos given to me by a UN employee.
Eyewitness Reports from the FBIS Mediterranean Bureau 20-23 July 1974
This extremely valuable historical document, describes how foreign and local personnel of the FBIS Mediterranean Bureau at Karavas, Kyrenia, were able to escape the ferocity and brutality of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974. It also raises several serious questions as to why the FBIS personnel and their families were left in the area and not evacuated before July 20, 1974, since the Turkish invasion of the island was planned years earlier and foreign and diplomatic sources knew in advance of what was about to happen. [emphasis added]
Noteworthy to those familiar with the bibliography, topography of the area and ensuing events, is how these eyewitness accounts vary depending on where someone was located at the time.
You can read these eyewitness accounts at:
Backup local link: FBIS_!974_September_EyeWitness_Accounts
A second account can also be found at:
Backup local link: Last days FBIS Med Bureau
Photographs from the FBIS Mediterranean Bureau experience can be found at:
I want to take this opportunity to thank Dwight Marsh for making these photographs available on the Internet.
Ersi Demetriadou