Peel Productions

school author visit 1988

In 1985, Susan Joyce and Doug DuBosque launched into a new life with a garage full of freshly-printed books and a Rolodex of US Department of Defense school contacts in Germany, where they both lived. Selling 3,000 copies of Peel, the Extraordinary Elephante in a few months, they quit their jobs and moved to the Oregon coast to pursue their dreams.

More than 12 million books have since been sold worldwide, including translations into Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian.

See this page for other children's books we have published.

We are no longer actively publishing children's books. Contact us.





Know anyone who likes to draw?

As in, a kid — or maybe the kid in you? Then you’ll love our Draw series: step-by-step lessons for realistic drawing. See these titles on (you can also find used and sometimes new copies on ebay). If you have a black and white edition of Draw Monsters by Damon J. Reinagle you can here you can find the images from it in color.




Learn To Draw Now!
Free ebook – epubmobi


1-2-3 Draw series

We no longer publish these titles. However, if you have a black and white 1-2-3 Draw title, here you can find the images from it in color.

Truck drawing by Freddie Levin

Freddie Levin has illustrated numerous children’s books. Using colored pencil, she generally employs soft colors. Her drawings often have a whimsical feel.

Car drawing by Steve Barr

Steve Barr sold his first cartoon at the age of 11, and he hasn’t stopped since. If you would like to download a printable Cartoonist's Apprentice certificate from one of his books, you can find them here.