Excited to let you know we are almost there! The ebook versions and available print book of The Lullaby Illusion, a memoir of life and love in wartime, cold war in continental Europe and hot shooting war in Cyprus, will be released in early May. Available at your favorite online bookstore as an ebook or for order as a trade paperback. Your local bookstore will be able to get it through their regular distributors if they aren’t stocking it.
Pre-orders should be available soon, and we’ll have the links right here on the site. Plus the cover photo, and more, as soon as we have that ready.
Love to get your feedback and questions after, or during, reading it. Meanwhile, please explore the information about Cyprus and the other lands that are the backdrop of my journey.

I will certainly look you up on Facebook. You sound like you have led an amazing life.
Christina, I know of quite a few women who have done so. Speaking of women and expats, checkout this new page that just showed up on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expat-Memoirs/284383941691899?ref=ts&fref=ts
Are you living overseas, Margaux? We should start an expat women’s group on FB.
@a8ba5990f1d80e25a7440a646104543e:disqus Yes, “The Lullaby Illusion” will be a trade paperback. Susan just got the ISBN for the print edition yesterday, and the Library of Congress indexing verbiage. I don’t know if your local shop will be stocking it, but they definitely can order it from their regular distributor. It’s published by Peel Books, the same firm that does the Draw Books line, and Susan’s other books.
I can’t wait to read The Lullaby Illusion! Sounds like you’ve lived a life full of fantastic adventures, Susan.
I’ve lived my BEST life. It’s been fantastic.
Tom, thanks for asking. It will be in all of the above. We also support local bookstores.