Rave Reviews Book Club—2016 Book & Blog Party


Buen día from Atlantida, Uruguay, South America! It’s winter in the southern hemisphere.

I’m delighted to participate in this event featuring talented authors from all literary genres—from all over the world.

Four winners will win eBooks for this stop. Your choice of:


The Lullaby Illusion: A Journey of Awakening



Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery

In order to win, you must comment on this post. Be sure to visit other blogs on the tour to be eligible for more prizes.

Born in Los Angeles, I spent most of my childhood in Tucson, Arizona and returned to LA as a young working woman. Inspired as a child by postcards from my globe-trotting great aunt, I left the United States at age 20 to see the “great big wonder-full” world.

I planned on being gone for a year, but ended up living my 20s and 30s in Europe and the Middle East. A Jill of all trades, I worked as a secretary and a freelance writer, taught computer classes, wrote songs, and became an accomplished artist while writing my first children’s book, Peel, the Extraordinary Elephant. A charming man who I met at a dinner party in Germany illustrated my book and later became my husband. Serendipitous events showed us that Universe had plans for us together.

After many years of writing and editing children’s books, the 2013 release of my first memoir, The Lullaby Illusion: A Journey of Awakening, represented a profound personal transformation and a new phase in my career. My second book in the ‘Journey’ series, Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery is a psychological and psychic exploration forged in the chaos of horrendous storms in the Indian Ocean during monsoon season. Following the loss of a child, war in Cyprus, and with growing suspicions that my husband has a secret life, I confronted the elements, and viscerally realized that nothing is as it seems.

My third memoir is about soul connections and the force of pure energy which moves us to the unique place we belong in the universe, and how we fit into the bigger picture of life.

Doug and I love to explore different countries and cultures, learn about their history, and enjoy their distinct traditions and cuisines. We’ve just returned from a trip to Peru and Bolivia where we visited ancient civilization sites, saw alien skulls, and the mysterious Nazca lines in southern Peru.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope our paths meet again.

Susan Joyce


107 Replies to “Rave Reviews Book Club—2016 Book & Blog Party”

    1. Susan, I am fortunate. You know that from reading my books. You are lucky to have lived in all the places you have and lived to tell it also. How wonderful that you can travel with your mom and sister. We’re all soul mates. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Your books sound really fascinating! I can’t wait to read about your travels and insights.

    1. Hola D.L. Finn! Happy to have you join me this morning. Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I find the more I allow my mind to travel—to wherever it takes me-pure energy and insights flow.It took me years to let go and let it happen.

  2. Good to know you Susan. It is always good to see how our #RRBC blog party is bringing out our new members to the forefront. I like your spirit of traveling. I love traveling too. Enjoy your party. 🙂

    1. Good morning Joy!I am enjoying the party! A delight to meet so many interesting members of RRBC! I think I was born with the wander lust. At a young age, my parents took me and my seven siblings on road trips across the US. We were allowed one toy and one pillow each and then we piled into our nine-passenger station wagon. Fun memories! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hello Susan, I am so happy to meet you through this blog tour. I am captivated by your life and story, and have just purchased The Lullaby Illusion. I look forward to turning its pages. What a journey we travel!

  4. I am a true believer in the energies of the world, and I LOVE to travel. I’m sure your travels have given you much to write about, so I can only imagine how interesting your memoirs are! Thanks for sharing them with us! 🙂

    1. Hola Yvette! Life is a pure energy dance … if we’re aware! Always happy to know another traveler. My travels have given me much to write about. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you many journeys!

    1. Good morning Lizzie! Lovely of you to stop by and read my blog. I am having fun today-getting to know other like-minded souls. I also enjoyed learning about your creativity and inspiration. Great post!

    1. Nicholas, what a lovely wish! JOY! Happy to say my life has treated me with an abundance of joy … I am blessed. My first book, Peel, the Extraordinary Elephant, came to me in a dream at a difficult time in my life and a singing elephant reminded me to learn from the good times and the bad. An important lesson. I’ve been singing his song since. I wish you the same JOY! Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Hi Susan! 😀 When they say that ‘travelling broadens the mind’ they’re not kidding, but I think it does more than that – it opens up your heart too 🙂 Both your books sound really interesting – I’m a sucker for anything with a psychological undertow, so I’m off to Amazon to check them out now! 😉

    1. Good morning from Uruguay! Jan, you are right on about travel. I’ve spent more than half of my adult life living in other countries. It’s been mind boggling and heart opening–rich in so many ways. Ibn Battuta, a Medieval Moroccan Muslim traveler and scholar said that traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. Jan, thanks for stopping by and for your interest in my books. Happy trails to you!

  6. Oooooh, the Nazca lines are fascinating, as, it seems, is your life! I haven’t traveled nearly as much as I’d like, but I’m hoping to change that soon. Safe journeys wherever life may take you!

    Cheri G

    1. Cheri G, yes I found the Nazca lines to be out-of-this world awesome. I plan on blogging about them next week. I’m still sorting through photos and thoughts of our fly-over. Wishing you many intriguing travels. I enjoyed all I saw in Peru and Bolivia. The high altitude got to most in our tour group. Felt really good to get back to sea level. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Susan! It’s lovely to get to know more about you and your work. I have your first book on my Kindle and have to say that the second one looks so interesting. You are certainly well travelled. Very best wishes with everything! 🙂

    1. Hola Harmony! It’s been a great party!. I’m also enjoying getting to know other readers and writers doing interesting projects and living fulfilled lives! Only way to go! Thanks for getting my book. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Good morning from Uruguay Rebecca Carter! I have had an exciting life. Happy to say I am still friends with people who shared these mind boggling adventures. Thanks for stopping by today!

    1. Michelle, happy you enjoyed it. My next one is in the works. Who knows when it will be published.As we say in Uruguay, “Poco y poco!’ I am enjoying writing it. When my aunt died a few months ago, I was reminded how connected we are in this life and beyond.
      Thanks for reading my post.

  8. Hi, Susan, this is a great pleasure to meet you here and learn a bit about your life’s journey. I know I will enjoy investigating your books. Enjoy your day on the Block Party!!

    1. John, thanks for stopping by! I know that travel is our best education. Feel fortunate I have been doing it so long.

  9. Hello, Susan. What an amazing story. I truly believe that the Universe has a hand in all who cross our paths. That being said, glad our paths crossed today! Happy partying!!

    1. Hello Helena! I’m also happy to win one of your books and look forward to reading it. His-story versus her-story has always fascinated me. Thanks for stopping by today!

  10. Hello, Susan. Your three memoirs leads me to believe you have had fascinating experiences, some good and some with sadness. Best wishes to you today on your party.

    1. John Howell, thanks for stopping in today. Yes, my adventures have been a full spectrum of good times and bad. All colorful lessons. Thanks for your good wishes!

  11. Your books sound good! My TBR list is growing once again! I love the picture of you and Doug, so great you enjoy traveling and trying new things. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for joining in today. RRBC is keeping me tapping away. A wonderful day! I’m so enjoying getting to know others in this group. I noticed you also have a book out about SOULS. I look forward to reading it soon. Trying new things is key to keeping life vibrant on every level.

  12. What an interesting life you have lead! I love to travel and explore so your journey sounds so inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Tara, thanks for stopping by this morning! Your work and life also sounds inspiring. So glad we are getting to know each other.

    1. Staci, thanks for stopping by! I’m enjoying my party day! It’s lovely to get to know others in the group.Your Mind Control book looks interesting. I know a bit about international corporations being a front. It’s the way the world turns. Look forward to reading it.

  13. You have led quite a fascinating life, Susan., It’s a pleasure to meet you and I wish you a fantastic day at the blog party!

    1. Mae Clair, a real pleasure to get to know you also. Love the title of your new book and look forward to reading it. How do you stay on top of your game with so many books and a blog. Do you blog on a regular basis?

  14. Good Morning Susan! Your life’s journey leaves me saying, “Wow!. I’m fascinated by the Nazca lines and the “alien skulls”. Also, finding a husband’s secret life makes good material for a blockbuster.LOL! Have a fulfilled day!

    1. Good morning Linda! Thanks for joining in. Our Ancient Civilization Tour was fascinating! I’m just now starting to write my thoughts on the awesome experience. Having seen two UFOs in my life time — up close, eye ball to eye ball — I believe in the existence of alien life. And for me it’s nothing to fear. Learning about my ex-husband’s secret life was.

  15. Hello Susan! Nice to chat with you again. Loved reading about your book and your traveling journeys. As you know, I have Good Morning Diego Garcia, which I read and posted a review. I love that book! To everyone reading – you, too, will love that book!

    1. Mary Schmidt, I remember your rave review. So happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for taking time to read and review it.When Angels Fly is on my TBR stack. I look forward to reading it soon. I had planned to read the entire stack while traveling but high altitude sickness messed up my eyes and reading was impossible. I’ll get to it soon. Thanks for stopping by today!

  16. Susan, your writing has interested me since I first saw it. You look like a genuine, joyous and happy soul….
    I wish for you many blessings and a great day on the Blog tour.

    1. Thanks Robert Kimbrell for stopping by! I’m delighted to have won a copy of your book! Vigilante Annie Anthology sounds fascinating. Supernatural suspense has always intrigued me. Thank you! Thanks too for your blessings! I have much to be grateful for in this lifetime and hope to pass my soul learning on to others.

  17. Looks like a fascinating life. We retired to a small motor home in the US and are learning about traveling and living the simple life.The wanderlust never ends does it? I am sure i have gypsy blood. You must also. Look forward to reading your work in the near future.

    1. Jo Ann, thanks for stopping by. Love meeting other Gypsy-minded travelers. Good for you and yours for living the simple life. When Doug and I moved to the States from Germany we had zero possessions. Friends started giving us all their extra goods and soon we had more goodies than we ever needed. It’s quite the challenge to keep it simple. I admire you.
      Your book Ultimate Betrayal sounds intriguing. I’ve marked it to read.

  18. So cool that you love to travel like that! I enjoy traveling too, so it’s nice to see people who put their lives into their work and really enjoy it! Supernatural books are always a win, too, so I’ll add to my list!

    1. Hola Lincoln Cole! Appreciate you popping by today.Nice to meet a fellow world traveler. I’ve just added your books to my Want to Read list. Is your paranormal angels and demons novel set in present day Arizona available yet? The writing of Isaac Asimov also influenced my life.

    1. Kim Cox, many thanks for stopping by. Having lots of fun getting to know others in the group.I saw an interview with you and know that your husband is also an artist. A chainsaw artist. Very cool! I will check out some of your work.

  19. Dear Susan, Thank you so much for giving us a further glimpse of your life there in the Southern hemisphereI look forward to reading your latest book in the nearby future! I hope you have a wonderful blog tour today.

    1. Maretha Botha, having lots of fun so far. Such interesting and varied works and writers.Lots of support! I look forward to reading your Fauna Park tales. Author and illustrator–you stay busy. You’re also a great cheerleader of others. Thank you!

  20. Dear Susan, Thank you so much for giving us such wonderfully up-building and inspiring glimpses into your life. I hope to read more of your work soon and wish you a successful blog tour today! Kind regards

    1. Maretha, I hope to finish more work soon. So many books, so little time. Thanks!

    1. Hola Linda Covella, If you visit Uruguay please let me know. Would love to meet you.We love it here. Beautiful sandy beaches to walk and get inspired. I enjoyed your party day and learning about your books. Congratulations on your big award!

    1. Hola Brent, Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I am blessed to have led a wonderful life. I enjoyed your blog post and loved voting on your new cover. Which is the winner?

    1. Hola Beem, thanks for stopping by today and for your great wishes! It’s been great fun and has kept my fingers nimble. Your Slivers of Life is on my Want to Read list. Love the title.

  21. Wonderful post, Susan. I’m sure you have many stories to tell about your travels. Am I correct that the last picture is from Machu Pichu? Enjoy hosting the party today!

    1. Hola P. H. Soloman! Thanks for being here today! Yes, the photo is from Machu Pichu. What an awesome place to visit. I’m still sorting through thoughts and photos from the Ancient Civilization tour. Check back in a week or so for more photos of our treks.I enjoyed learning more about you and your projects this week and look forward to reading The Bow of Destiny.

  22. I just love how the Blog Party brings us around the world! It’s so lovely to learn more about you, Susan. Your travels are fascinating and how special to experience it with your husband. Your recent trip to Peru and Bolivia sounds spectacular! Have a fabulous party day! Cheers from Canada! 🙂

    1. Hola Natalie! Pleased you could stop by today. It is fun to know this blog is taking us all around the world.I enjoyed your post and loved the gift poem.Our trip to see ancient civilizations was fascinating. Still sorting through thoughts and photos.

  23. What an amazing life you had. Traveling all over the world, becoming a “Jill” of All Trades” (I love that) and discovering your many talents. That is living a full life in my opinion. Thank you for inviting us over to Atlantida, Uruguay, South America!

    1. Shirley, you are definitely invited to visit us and Uruguay. We love our laid back life here. The sandy beaches are conducive to stirring the imagination.Just checked out your goodreads page. Interesting to know you also get ideas in your dreams. I count on mine to show the way through thick and thin.

    1. Lori, thanks for stopping by today! I do have a few stories to tell. According to my horoscope, I can blame or bless the stars.

    1. Wendy, thanks for stopping by today! Have you visited any ancient sites on the planet? I first heard of your book Hieroglyph on the Wishing Shelf site. I have it stacked on my 2BR list. Congratulations on your award.Promise to read it soon.

    1. Bette, thanks for stopping by and sharing my post!Just checked out your amazon page. Will order books for my grand nieces.Seems you have made a wonderful life for yourself.

  24. What a joyous celebration of a life lived to the fullest. Have you ever had the opportunity to visit my beautiful land down under? One of the most interesting places I have lived was New Guinea. The culture is absolutely mind altering. I’m about to head off and add ‘Good Morning Diego Garcia’ to my TBR list. Enjoy the remainder of your party, and thanks for sharing.

    1. Suzanne, lovely of you to stop by today. Doug and I visited Australia and New Zealand in 1998. Time does fly when having fun. Haven’t made it to New Guinea yet. When did you live there? What were you doing there?Thanks for adding Good Morning Diego Garcia to your TBR list. Which of your books shall I add to my stack? Please stay in touch.

  25. Great post – how wonderful to have travelled so much – so few of us ever take that leap 🙂

    1. Hi D E Howard! Thanks for reading the post! Yes, I have been pleased to have wandered afar. And yes, it is a leap from the comfort zone to the big unknown. My great aunt Gladys stirred the wander lust in me when she sent postcards from her world travels.She was a great believer in making life happen. Your Spirit of the Book looks fascinating. It’s on my list.

  26. Hello Susan! So nice to meet another traveling soul. The world is such a big place and such an inspiration for writing and painting, drawing etc. Don’t your agree? Your book covers are beautiful. I look forward to reading your books! Cheers! S.J. Francis 🙂

    1. SJ Francis, thanks for stopping by today. It is nice to meet another traveling soul. My great aunt used to call our world a ‘great big wonder-full world.’Inspirational indeed. Happy you like the covers of my books. Doug designed them. He’s an artist also.Shattered Lies is on my Want to Read list.

  27. Hi Susan – great life story and experience – traveling the world is far more educational than spending time grousing away at a job or university – more should do it! Enjoy your RRBC back to School Blog Block party day – MikeL

    1. Hola Michael Lynes! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Travel is by far the best education.Your book There is a Reaper is on my Want to Read list. Lovely to meet you!

  28. I have enjoyed getting to know you, Susan. Your books sound most interesting. I am glad that you met your soul mate…I did too and feel very blessed.

    1. Thanks Karen Ingalls for joining in today! Yes, I am blessed to have a connected soul for my mate. Makes life easier and more exciting with support. Important to know we are blessed and important to say it. Happy for you and yours.

  29. Wow, what a life you have lived! And you’re so fortunate to have found someone to share that living with you. So many times we fall in love with someone who does not share the interests that are dear to us. I’m so glad you are a part of the tour, & have put your books on my TBR list.

    1. Good morning Rhani! What a lovely name! Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment. Thanks too for putting my books on your TBR list.Is your book Shadow of the Drill based on a true story? Sounds chilling and good.

  30. Hi Susan! I read your post with such wonder and awe – you have had the opportunity to enjoy SO many rich, educational, and meaningful travel experiences! I look forward to checking out your books. Thanks so much for sharing, take care, and enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂 ~Stephanie

  31. They say life is a journey and it sounds as if for you that statement is quite literal. Nice post!

    1. Good morning Bruce! Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I see you are a songwriter. I love music and words and have written a few songs for children to go with my books.Have you thought of having a song be the main theme in one of your books?

  32. My you have lead an interesting life have not you?
    I have wanted to write some memwar a but I have a retablos memory I love the sound of your books will get them when I can.

    1. Good morning Adam! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.I encourage you to go for it. Just write. Allow your thoughts to flow daily for a few minutes. When I first started writing my memoir, I used a kitchen timer to jump start the flow of thoughts. I set it for 15 minutes and told myself if after 15 minutes nothing came, I was allowed to stop writing and do something else. By the time the timer dinged to announce the 15 minutes was over, my writing was flowing like a river. Try it and let me know how it goes. Thanks for checking out my books.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Christy Nicholas! Yes, I’ve had a most extraordinary life. Just checked your books out at goodreads. On my WTR list. They sound great!

    1. It was fun! The RRBC Back to School Blog is a wonderful way to get to know other readers and writers. Thanks for stopping by.

  33. Hi Susan, so happy to meet you. Somehow I missed you yesterday. I didn’t see your day under RWISA’s. Better late than never!! Your memoirs sound fascinating and I hope to get to read some of them, being a memoir writer myself. I hope you enjoyed your tour day!!

    1. Hola Micki Peluso! Thanks for joining in! I will check out your memoir as well. Nice to meet you! It was a fun day!

    1. Sent the ebook via your email address on 08/21/2016. Check your email and let me know.

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