6 Replies to “Thank you blooming yellow rose bush!”

  1. You’re welcome! Planting is important, of course, but remembering to water is more important!

  2. Pretty, Susan! Cheerful yellow. Lovely of Doug. We have several roses but they’re the shrub, “easy care” type called Knockouts, in various pinks, yellow/cream, & salmon/yellow. Even so, we’re not terribly organized & remembering to mulch, fertilize & spray requires a schedule, not to mention watering. Roses are so worth the effort, though. Make you feel loved every time you look out the window!

    1. Claire, thanks for your input. We only have “easy care” plants. In fact, Doug’s attitude is “dare you to grow’ and plants he christens that way are the best growers ever.

  3. Funny! I’ve whispered words of love & appreciation to mine. Need to do more after the tough year this past one was, even my flowers were drooping. My mom threatened a plant once – can’t remember what it was but not blooming & not blooming, til she said if it didn’t in 24 hours, she was throwing it out! Worked like a charm. We have two hydrangeas, beautiful blues, that rarely bloom. They’re called Endless Summer but a gardener told us everyone refers to them as Endless Disappointment. They need sweet talk, & probably more water. They’re under heaps of snow at the moment.

    1. Claire, interesting how energy works. When Doug dares plants, he hopes they flourish.

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