Haven’t posted in a while. Busy writing scripts for TV and screen. Exciting to be learning a different way with words. I’ve completed a Masterclass with Aaron Sorkin on screen writing and one with Shonda Rhimes on writing for television. I recommend both. Next one is Steve Martin’s class on writing comedy. I’m having great fun! Have even done LIVE presentations of my elevator pitch and a ten minute detailed pitch. Getting great feedback and encouragement to Write On!
Only problem is an adorable pup who loves my chair. In the evening, when I want to relax, read, or watch a movie, our new guy occupies it and doesn’t want to acknowledge that it’s MY chair. Our animals have two couches to lounge on and we don’t have room for a third one.
Any suggestions?
Hehehehe! Susan I can only recommend getting yourself a new chair…
Savyra, this is a new one. He destroyed the rattan one I enjoyed sitting in before. He does move, reluctantly, but first gives me an eyeful of poor me.
I’m excited for you with this new endeavor. I’ve discovered it’simportant to keep adding something new to the plate. These sounds like a great fit for you. Keep me posted. As for the dog, well, I’m the alpha dog in our house, so you might not like my answer.
He looks like hed fit in your lap just fine though.
Very important! For me it’s called “Stayin Alive” and renewing energy. Thanks for your support.
Exciting times, Susan. Age is only a number and absolutely nothing to do with interests or achievements. As for the pup . . . just keep loving him as he obviously loves you and your chair.
Thanks Joy! He is a love. And yes, exciting times ahead as I enjoy learning new ways to express myself. FUN! Hope life is good for you. XX
You go girl! Sounds like wonderful fun, Susan!
You go girl! Sounds wonderful fun!
Thanks Laurie! I’m having great fun stuffing my brain full of cool information. A Steve Martin class exercise is on schedule today. Want to learn comedy.
Very exciting! I look forward to hearing more about these new ventures / experiences. Re the new puppa – don’t like your chances!!!
It is exciting! New ways of looking at writing and expressing images. Great fun!
Mocha, our pup, steals my chair every chance he gets. He does move when I insist. Love your new profile photo! Life is about having fun! XX
The classes sound fascinating, Susan! Are they online live presentations or are they taped? Are the classes offered at specific times or are they asynchronous? Do Sorkin & Rimes actually evaluate your work? What’s the cost? Thanks!
Hola Claire! Thanks for reading and commenting! The classes are fascinating for me. Masterclass offers many classes from pros in different fields; from art, photography, cooking, space exploration, acting, writing, etc. I’m learning and love it. Here’s the link for you to check it out. https://www.masterclass.com/classes/
Thanks, Susan. Sounds like fun! Have you gotten your chair back yet?
Poor Mocha fell out of our car and broke his hind leg femur, so isn’t able to jump ip on my chair yet. He had surgery and is slowly getting better. I’m sure he plans on sitting there one day soon. Thanks for asking? I’ll post a photo of him soon.
Sorry to hear this. Hope he’s healed up! Heck of a way to get your chair back.
Claire, he has an appointment today to see if his leg is ready to remove the pin placed in the broken bone. Lots of bouncy energy indicates he is ready to rock and roll.
I’m late to the party… but I remember that pitch session
As to spot-stealing pets: when this happens with my cats down in Bavaria, I tend to just pet and cuddle them until they’ve had their fill and move away on their own^^ Years of practice from way back when they used to jump on my homework and wouldn’t let me study or write!
Attention! We all love it. Makes the world go round, and round. xx