Amazon Link: http://bit.ly/2P1exN7
Inspiration and encouragement for your own personal journey of awakening …
Amazon Link: http://bit.ly/2P1exN7
Bravo to The United Nations general assembly for overwhelmingly backing a motion condemning Britain’s occupation of the remote Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean.
I crewed on a yacht in 1975 which hobbled into the atoll, just south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean, for a few days during the construction of the US top secret base. Only later, after landing in the Seychelles, did I meet Chago natives and learn of their broken hearts and forced departure from their beloved homeland.
Today I received a reprint of the Amazon review by Grady Harp, Hall Of Fame and Top 100 Reviewer, in the San Francisco Book Review.
And with that invitation we are off on a memorable journey that is at once an adventure, a travel memoir, a story of a marriage, and it is all true. Her writing style involves the reader from the first page on and the privilege of reading such an adventure from a woman’s point of view is richly rewarding. Remember the old film ‘Mrs. Mike’? That is the flavor and the pleasure of accompanying Susan on this ‘discovery journey’. Highly Recommended.
I’m delighted with it. Enjoy!
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And you can help keep the good times rolling by following today’s giveaway sponsor, Susan Joyce, and checking out Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery!
One woman’s harrowing experience cruising the brutal Indian Ocean in monsoon season….
Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery
The boat falls apart in storm after storm, but for the author, the experience leads to extraordinary perceptions…Susan Joyce is today’s Kindle Fire giveaway sponsor!
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Dear Friends,
Readers’ Favorite has officially announced the winners of the 2016 Book Awards. I’m delighted to announce that, “Good Morning Diego Garcia” won “Honorable” for Non-fiction—Spiritual/Supernatural.
Check it out:
There’s a place for comments and additional reviews. I invite you to help me create a bit of buzz around “Good Morning Diego Garcia” by adding your comments on the link.
I appreciate your time! Thank you!
Susan Joyce
2016 Best Book Awards
TITLE: Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery by Susan Joyce
FINALIST CATEGORY: Narrative Non-Fiction
LISTING PAGE: http://www.bestbookawards.com/nonfictionbooks/nonfictionnarrative.html
Good Morning Diego Garcia: A Journey of Discovery is the Book Of The Day!