Giving Thanks for Good Friendships!

My friend Betty is arriving tomorrow for a five day visit. She is an American woman I met while studying Hebrew in Israel in the late 60s. Haven’t seen her since 1974, following the Cyprus War. It’s exciting to know we can share those “Remember when?” moments and celebrate being together.

Not sure she will recognize me when we meet at the Montevideo port tomorrow morning. Perhaps a “Welcome Betty!” sign will jar her memory. There aren’t many woman named Betty in South America.

Welcome BettyQ
Welcome Betty!

Take a moment and give thanks for your good, long-lasting friendships! Mine inspire me. I am blessed!

4 Replies to “Giving Thanks for Good Friendships!”

    1. Susan, so happy to have met you in FL and to be in touch often. We hope you will visit us one day. Uruguay is a special place.

  1. Always lovely to appreciate and give thanks for our friends . . . both the old and the new.

    1. Dear Joy, I am thankful to have you as my friend! Feels like we have known each other forever. xx

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